Watch Your Back: 3 Culprits Behind Your Back Acne

Woman with bacne

Just when you think nothing can ever be more frustrating than zits on the face, you learn about back acne. You realize that you can’t freely wear tank tops and low-back dresses. You get the occasional bleeding when you scratch and hit a spot. And the most annoying of all, you can’t make them go away with only a few ointments here and there. The key to getting a good fix (and prevention game plan) for bacne is to start knowing what exactly causes it. That said, here are the culprits behind your back acne:

Your hair conditioner leaves a residue.

Too much oil, as you know, can clog pores. In the same manner, the hair products you use, like masks and conditioners, aren’t friendly to your skin either. When you let hair conditioner run down your back when taking a bath, you’re essentially exposing your back region to pore-blocking chemicals. Of course, this doesn’t mean quitting your hair care regimen altogether. This just means tweaking your habit a bit. For one, check the labels of the items you’re using for your hair. You’re looking for oil-free, non-comedogenic, and non-acnegenic products. Two, rinse your strands thoroughly. Use a back scrubber, if necessary. And then lastly, tie up your mane loosely as you dry it. The bottom line is, don’t let hair product chemicals stay on your back area.

You don’t shower after workouts.

When you’re tired to the core after an hour of sweat session at the gym, the last thing you want is showering at the gym’s filthy bathroom, right? So you dash to your car and then bury yourself in bath bombs at the comfort of your tub. But the thing is when you allow sweat to stay on your skin (and get trapped in your tight sports bra), that could again trigger bacne breakouts. So make it a habit to take a bath right after workouts. If you really can’t hit the gym’s showers, use shower sheets or body wipes to get rid of all that sweat, oil, and bacteria. Make sure to wash your workout clothes every after use as well. Just because they don’t look grimy after your session doesn’t mean they’re bacteria-free.

You may have polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Bacne is a common symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).A skin doctor in Salt Lake City explains that PCOS is characterized by excess testosterone in the body, triggering overproduction of sebum, which makes acne more likely. This problem targets the ‘hormonally sensitive’ areas of the body, including not just the back, but the chin, jawline, and upper neck. The pimples are not just tiny bumps, but cystic. Usually, people who have PCOS will suffer other symptoms, including irregular periods, excessive hair growth, weight gain, infertility, among others. If you experience any of these problems, it’s best to talk to a dermatologist and an ob-gyn to know more about your health. You may be needing more than a good skincare routine if you have PCOS.

Banish the Bacne

Woman in bathrobe
Acne is the worst — especially when you don’t know what’s causing it. If you’ve been having bacne for weeks and months, perhaps it’s time to change up your shower routine, your post-workout habit, and consult your doctor. Don’t let bacne ruin your confidence.

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