Searching for the Man

happy couple

Most women’s ultimate dream is to get married. This is why a lot of people spend so much when it comes to this special occasion. In fact, CNBC lists New Jersey, Rhode Island, and New York as the top states that spend the most on weddings. An average wedding in these states costs around 40000 to 50000 dollars. Indeed, weddings are big business.

For a woman, one of the most important parts of a wedding is a dress. Top fashion designers like Vera Wang and Monique Lhuillier have designed bridal gowns and are coveted by most women. Having the perfect wedding gown is the fulfillment of a fairy tale.

But before wedding preparations even begin, there’s one important accessory that need not be forgotten– the engagement ring. As they say, diamonds are a women’s best friend, and the bigger, the better. Before you get to have that coveted micro pave halo engagement ring, though, you got to have someone who gives it to you first.

But nowadays, it seems like men to marry are simply hard to find.

Finding Mr. Right

To look for it or not to look for it– that is the question.

Some people say that you don’t have to look for it, and love will come at the right place and at the right time. Yet for some women, this won’t do.

Women who fear the biological clock wants to find a man to marry as soon as they can. These are the women who want to have kids and start a family. On the other hand, some women do not intend to have kids, but they do want a partner they can share the rest of their lives with.

For these reasons, some women become proactive and are on the hunt for Mr. Right. They do this in different ways.

Friends of friends or friends of family members are great ways to meet a person to date. But sooner or later, you will exhaust these connections, and you have to branch out. For some, meeting a total stranger can be scary, but you have to conquer your fears if you want to find your perfect match.

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Dating apps

One of the easiest ways to meet an absolute stranger is through dating apps. Over the years, different dating platforms such as Tinder and Bumble have emerged.

Pew Research Center has gathered some findings on dating apps. It shared that around 30% of Americans have used the dating app. Most of the users said that they had a positive experience with the app. However, young women can’t say the same. Most women in these apps report being harassed or receiving explicit messages.

Indeed, extending your network through dating apps can be easy, but it is not always ideal. Chances are you will meet a weird guy that will send you a message you wouldn’t appreciate. The great thing about it is that you can easily delete the message and never talk to that person again.

There are some success stories in these dating apps, though. Insider shares a story of a woman who met her husband through Tinder. Stories like this are a flicker of hope for these dating apps. As with meeting a person in real life, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes, it’s worth the risk.

Expanding your network

If you’re not into dating apps, do not fret. There are plenty of other things you can do to find your match that does not involve swiping.

One great tip is traveling. Most women are scared of traveling alone, but you should try at least once. Traveling solo will let you experience things that you cannot experience when traveling with a familiar person. When you travel alone, you challenge yourself. Also, you give yourself a chance to meet new people.

Strike up a conversation with that cute stranger at the airport. Who knows, you might be traveling to the same place. If not, talk to him anyway. This will enable you to gauge if you have a connection or not. If you have, don’t wait for him to make the first move. Initiate and ask to keep in touch on social media.

Another great way of expanding your network is through a hobby or sports. By joining a group with activities you enjoy, chances are you will meet someone who has the same passion. That is already an instant connection.

You can also meet someone at any ordinary activity. Going to the grocery or hanging in the park leaves plenty of opportunities to meet your Mr. Right. The most important thing is being open. Sooner or later, someone will enter your life if you just let them.

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