How to Keep Teeth Healthy If Your Dentist is Available Only for Emergencies

Female using an electric toothbrush

COVID-19 has greatly affected how businesses operate in the United States, including dental clinics. An advisory from the California Dental Association urges dentists to offer only emergency, in-person dental treatment.

Dental offices in Redwood City and other areas of the state cannot perform non-essential treatments and services, such as teeth whitening, professional oral cleaning, and periodic orthodontic braces consultation. The goal of this recommendation is to “flatten the curve” by reducing the likelihood of virus exposure from patients who may be carrying the coronavirus.

If you’re not able to visit your dentist during the pandemic, take this time to maintain your oral health. Here are some of the things you could do to keep your teeth in good condition as clinics remain shuttered or cut back on hours:

Use the Right Toothbrush

Brushing your teeth twice a day isn’t enough. The toothbrush you’re using should be in good condition, too. Brushing with a toothbrush that has a blunted bristle tip or bent bristles may injure your gums and teeth.

If your toothbrush is due for a replacement, remember to buy a new one with soft bristles.  The American Dental Association recommends that you replace your toothbrush every three months.

If you’re wearing orthodontic braces, get a special toothbrush that can clean between the brackets. A proxabrush, also known as an interdental brush, can get the job done effectively.

Remember to Floss

Dental floss helps remove plaque and dislodges food debris stuck between the teeth. Before you floss, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, clean your nails, and dry them well. If you want to floss but don’t like of idea of putting your hands inside your mouth, wear gloves.

Watch What You Eat

Woman Eating Salad At Home

Your diet also plays a role in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. When shopping for food online or at your nearest grocery store, avoid buying sugary snacks and beverages that can cause cavities and tooth decay. Instead, opt for a variety of nutrient-rich food. A few of these are:

  • Vitamin C-Rich Foods – These include spinach, citrus fruits, peppers, and tomatoes. This nutrient improves overall gum health and safeguards your gums from gingivitis.
  • Foods Packed with Calcium – Cheese, salmon, and broccoli are a few of the food products that belong in this category. Calcium supports bone growth, fortifies your jawbone, and hardens your tooth enamel.
  • Food Loaded with Potassium – Apart from bananas, you can get this nutrient from tomatoes, avocados, lima beans, and potatoes. Potassium boosts the mineral density of bones.

Once you’ve finished eating these food products (as part of a meal or a snack), don’t forget to brush and floss your teeth to keep cavities at bay and eliminate the particles stuck inside your mouth.

During the coronavirus pandemic, observe good oral hygiene and eat the right food to keep your mouth as healthy as possible. The lockdown not only offers an opportunity to learn a new skill or pick up a new hobby, but also a good time to practice self-care and clinch your oral hygiene routine.

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