Haircare During Coronavirus Lockdown: How to Properly Care for and Manage Your Hair at Home

happy woman on the grass with scattered flowers

Since the coronavirus pandemic has struck, nations and governments all over the world have called for non-essential business to cease operations. A lot of industries and businesses were affected by this, including the haircare industry.

When the lockdowns were implemented and most folks were sent back home, our main concern was how all of us will earn and provide for our families. Now the concerns have shifted to things we can do to pass the time, homeschooling children, and yes, our hair.

Hair Maintenance Redefined

Barbershops and salons have remained closed due to government restrictions. In the past few weeks, the internet and social media witnessed a growing number of status updates and photos from and of people from different parts of the world about one of the skills they picked up during this time of quarantine: giving a haircut.

While some of the posts and photos are hilarious in several ways, a lot of them are fairly impressive. Most of us are now at awkward stages of hair growth and are looking forward to some sort of relief to our dilemma.

Along with purchases of treatment shampoos, conditioners, scalp tonics, and African Pride Olive Miracle Anti-Breakage Braid Sheen Spray, there has been a significant increase in demand for clippers and shears.

For most folks at home, hair maintenance has become a DIY matter and took it into our own hands since no professional services are easily available. Although, some hair care experts and professionals have posted videos on YouTube and other social media platforms about helpful tips for proper home hair care and maintenance.

To the Rescue!

hair washing

One such professional is Edward Rees, owner of two Morgan Edward salons in the UK. After clients sent him videos and pics of god-awful haircuts and asked for his help, he uploaded several video tutorials online as his way of helping his clients out.

Big-name salon Bumble and Bumble have also gone the virtual route and launched their Instagram Live show. They produce relevant content that talks about different ways to care for the hair and scalp and features their hairdressers in what they call the Stylist Spotlight series. They have also started selling their products on Instagram on March 30.

A lot of barbershops and salons the world over have gotten creative to keep their business afloat and employees are taken care of as much as they can.

Stylists have been doing home drop-offs of hair maintenance kits for clients and customers in need of proper maintenance for their locks, whether its for conditioning, treatment, or hair color.

Unorthodox Perspective

For stylist Helen Petty, another thing folks should consider looking into as far as their hair is concerned is to take a step back and just let it grow out naturally and embrace it.

This is especially true for those who have constantly bombarded their scalp and locks with different treatments. She claims that now is a great time to give your hair a break and watch it grow naturally. Who knows, you might even like the way it turns out.

Perhaps you can figure something out on how to incorporate it with your everyday-look for when things go back to normal.

Hair concerns might seem petty in light of everything that’s going in the world today but it’s little things like this that help maintain our sanity and make us better cope with the realities we have today.

Do what makes you feel good about yourself. If giving yourself a haircut makes you happy, go for it. If it doesn’t go well, it’s alright. You’re not supposed to see anyone anyway unless you’re an essential worker. Either way, do what you need to do to take care not just of your self but of your sanity, too.

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