Four Relapse Triggers and Ways You Can Address Them

drug addiction

People struggling with addiction have the choice to live anew. For those who decide to detox and stop letting their addiction ruin their lives, the road to recovery will not be an easy one. But once you make it past the hard part, it will be easier to stay on the right track.

You may have completed your treatment and are slowly making the transition to return to your normal life. But if you are not careful, you may end up in a relapse. To help you avoid going back to your bad habits, you must avoid your triggers. The following are four common things that trigger relapse in individuals fighting to stay sober:

People who have a connection to your addiction


Some people find themselves wasting all their hard work after reconnecting with people who remind them of their addictive behavior. As much as possible, you would want to stay away from such individuals. This is why many experts would recommend you to stay in a transitional housing facility first before going back to the real world. By surrounding yourself with a supportive community in Scottsdale, Arizona, you can avoid the company that will remind you of your addiction. This will make it easier for you to avoid those who want you to give in to your addiction in the future.

High-risk places

Like people, certain places will remind you of your old habits. Even after your treatment process, you may find yourself tempted to revisit such places. If you give in, you may end up doing drugs or abusing alcohol all over again. This is why it is best to stay away from such places during and after your recovery. It would be best to find yourself a job away from your previous site or move to a better neighborhood.

Addiction-related objects

People who used to drink a lot cannot be tempted to start drinking again even if they don’t see alcoholic beverages. A heroin addict may have the urge to return to their old addiction even at the mere sight of syringes or a spoon. What you can do is to avoid objects that remind you of your old self. Think of the consequences that you will have to endure if you choose to give in. Instead of staring at your object-trigger, divert your attention toward something more productive.

Emotional triggers

Your feelings can affect your decisions. But what many fail to realize is that even positive and normal emotions can trigger a relapse. What you can do is to recognize the emotions you felt before that made you give in to your addiction. Ask yourself how you and your loved ones will feel if you go back to your old self. It also helps to talk to someone you trust about the urge so that they can help you put your emotions at bay and stop you in case they feel like you are starting to submit again to your craving.

Other things can make you want to give in to your addiction all over again. If you are not careful, it might be too late. Protect yourself against relapse by knowing and fighting off your triggers.

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