Exploring the modern world of orthodontics

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Patients who are suffering from an imperfect smile (whether this is due to misaligned teeth, an overbite, underbite, or possibly even irregular spacing of the teeth) may be referred to an orthodontist! Orthodontic appliances (commonly referred to as ‘braces’ within the field of dentistry) essentially aim to straighten the smile, in addition to amending overbites in the mouth.

What are traditional metal braces?

Traditional metal braces (also known as ‘train tracks’ within the modern field of orthodontics) have been present in the field of dental care for many years. Despite producing effective and long lasting dental results, nowadays many patients may now be looking for a more discreet dental alternative.

Introducing invisible braces in Luton

Although conventional braces work for many individuals, a more subtle orthodontic option may be preferred for many modern patients. Invisalign clear aligners may come to the forefront of many patients’ minds when ‘invisible braces’ is mentioned, however there are many more options now becoming widely available.

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners are becoming extremely popular within the modern field of orthodontics; aligners not only look fantastic in the mouth (due to their practically invisible physical appearance) but they also produce long lasting dental results! Invisalign is a popular brand provider of clear aligners on a mass scale. Many modern dental clinics are now therefore offering their patients this brand to amend their imperfect smiles!

woman having her teeth checked

What are the options?

Despite a common misconception among dental patients Invisalign is not the only option available for those looking to avoid obvious metal dental work! In addition to clear aligners, Inman aligners are another example of a subtle orthodontic appliance that ensures patients’ self-confidence is not affected!

What are Inman aligners?

Inman aligners are a popular brand provider of subtle braces within the field of dental care. Despite not being completely invisible they work to produce fast acting dental results (some patients can expect to achieve a straighter smile within just six weeks of treatment) with just one thin metal wire!

What are the benefits of Inman aligners?

Many patients may feel conflicted between many orthodontic appliance options within the modern field of dental care, despite this however Inman aligners are an ideal option for many individuals!

Inman aligners are far less conscious than traditional metal braces; they are deemed as a ‘revolutionary’ solution to overcrowding within the mouth. They are also removable, which makes them ideal for patients who wish to remove their appliance for special occasions!

Finding the right orthodontic solution for your smile

As many patients may be struggling to choose the right braces to suit their lifestyles, modern dental clinics are now choosing to adopt a patient-centred dental approach! A patient-centred approach essentially entails the treatment of each patient’s individual dental case as completely unique. This means that patients can achieve the best possible results, whilst finding an appliance to fit into their lives.

Feeling nervous prior to your dental appointment?

Many patients may be feeling anxious before their dental appointment; this is typically due to negative childhood experiences at a young age, which can unfortunately affect the way patients feel about dentistry later in life. It is suggested that nervous patients get in touch with their local surgery to find the right solution to calm their anxiety.

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