Self-care and Beauty Routine Before Country-hopping

Laser vision correction. A patient in the operating room during ophthalmic surgery

When you’re getting ready to travel, the last thing on your mind is taking care of yourself. You often take care of your travel documents and planning but overlook your physical well-being. However, if you’re going away on a long trip and you’ll be visiting multiple destinations, it’s essential to make necessary preparations so you don’t appear tired in your photos. Here are a few tips for preparing before you go country-hopping:

Pre-travel Health Care

Pre-travel health care is essential to ensuring your well-being while you’re on your trip. You should schedule appointments with your doctor or local travel health clinic for:

Physical Exam

A comprehensive physical exam is an essential step in preparing for a long trip. It helps to ensure that you are healthy. This exam typically includes checking your weight and height, blood pressure, heartbeat, lungs, abdomen, eyes, ears, nose, and throat. If you usually exercise and eat a healthy diet, the doctor will likely just give you a clean bill of health. However, if you have any underlying medical conditions, the doctor will provide you with specific instructions on how to manage your condition while traveling.

Vision Concerns

Having poor eyesight while on your trip might cause you to miss enjoying some of the amazing sights. Even if you are used to wearing glasses or contacts, constantly taking them off and putting them back on can be a hassle. It might even cause problems if you accidentally break or lose them while on your trip. It would be hard to identify your friends or get around if you’re having difficulties seeing things around you. But there’s a way to avoid this situation. You can get painless LASIK eye surgery that will restore your 20/20 vision. This would allow you to go on your trip without worrying about losing or breaking your glasses because, after surgery, you wouldn’t need them anymore.


Depending on your age, health, and vaccination history, you may need specific vaccines or boosters before you travel. Some destination countries require that you have certain vaccinations before entering the country. For example, if you’re traveling to Africa, you might need to be vaccinated for yellow fever. Meanwhile, certain routine vaccines are recommended for travel. These include the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, flu vaccine, and hepatitis A and B vaccines. If you’re missing any recommended vaccines, it’s best to consult with your doctor and get them at least four to six weeks before you leave so your body has time to absorb the shot and build up immunity.

Pre-trip Shopping

When you go on a trip, you’ll likely take many pictures. To make the trip more fun and memorable, you’d prepare outfits for certain days and destinations, and this usually means one thing: shopping. However, you can’t just buy what you think you’ll wear. It’s best to buy pieces you’re sure you’ll wear on the trip. Depending on where you’re going, you’ll need to pack different types of clothing. Suppose you’re going to a tropical country. In that case, you’ll need to pack light and airy clothes made from natural fabrics. On the other hand, if you’re going somewhere with cooler weather, you should pack layers of clothing that you can take off or put on as needed.

Woman smiles at camera while carrying shopping bags at the mall

Beauty Routine Maintenance

Similar to clothes, you’d want a makeover to look great in pictures. This is especially true if you’ll be visiting multiple destinations and taking many photos. You should consider getting a facial, a new hairstyle, trying new makeup looks, and getting your nails done. It will be ideal if you do these a week or days in advance so that you can see how your new look holds up and make any necessary adjustments. For example, you might find the new foundation you bought is too light or dark for your skin tone. Then you’d still have time to get another one. Another instance is if you got waxing done, it is recommended not to swim or sunbathe for at least 24 hours afterward. If your first stop is at the beach, your waxed skin might get irritated if you don’t give it time to heal properly.

Moreover, if you do a nightly skincare routine, you’d have to figure out how to keep doing them even while on your trip. You can consider getting travel-sized toiletries or decanting your products into smaller containers. This would help you save space, still, do your beauty routine, and avoid lugging around a heavy suitcase.

Preparing ahead of time can make your travel experience more enjoyable and worry-free. Having the confidence to know that you look good and your health is well taken care of will allow you to focus on enjoying your time exploriang new places.

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