4 DIY Fails in Quarantine

The resiliency and innovation of humans know no bounds. We’ve come far as a society, putting up various systems, activities, and infrastructure to change how we live and operate in the world. Sid Meier’s turn-based strategy video game Civilization gives a glimpse of how the human race evolved from a hunter-gatherer way of living to install democracy and now using technology to pave the future.

While in isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people are tapping into their creativity to adjust to the new normal. The lack of activity and stimulation has pushed everyone to think of ways to occupy their time and continue living. A study published by the Academy of Management Discoveries better explains the role of boredom in facilitating creative work. Boredom allows the mind to wander and daydream, making use of one’s inner world to fill in the lull. You’ll be surprised what you’ll come up with but be mindful of possible fails as well. Here are a few quarantine activities prone to laugh-inducing shortcomings and internet memes if you’re not careful.

Giving yourself a haircut

Non-essential services and businesses are closed to limit the spread of the virus. Unfortunately, the directive includes beauty and personal care services like hair and nail salons, spas, and skin clinics. This means the carefully maintained grooming routine of most people is in disarray with pimples breaking out, hair growing like a lion’s mane, and beards left untrimmed. Since people can’t call their trusty hairdresser in Orem, they’ve attempted to style and cut their hair with varying degrees of hilarity. Getting a Korean full fringe is not as simple as putting some hair in front of your face and cutting them just above your eyes. Better to watch tutorial videos before you’ll be left with a wacky hairdo.

Cooking a full-course meal

cooking at home

Social media feeds are now full of beautifully plated homecooked meals, serving as motivation to cook yourself and flex your MasterChef skills. While cooking is a must-have skill regardless of quarantine, it’s better to pace oneself and start with beginner dishes. You’ll end up with bland beef, mushy vegetables, or badly burned eggs if you try your hand at a full-course meal without understanding the basics. Try out these easy dishes that even kids can help make.

Baking sourdough bread

Sourdough bread-making is the latest trend to capture the attention of people while in lockdown. Shelves of grocery stores are empty with flour, nonstick sprays, and other baking essentials as more people take up the challenge. There’s no denying the sense of accomplishment after being successful with a tangy and durable sourdough. But first-time bakers should try baking bread first and understanding the process before suddenly embarking on a difficult task. Your tired oven, frustrated mind, and unlucky taste testers will thank you.

Video chatting with colleagues

More companies are adopting work from home arrangements, which means never-ending video calls and chat messages. They are a great way to keep being in touch and moving projects forward despite the limitations brought by social distancing. At the same time, turning on video and audio in your next conference call can lead to surprise cameos by half-dressed spouses, playful kids, and eager pets. If possible, make use of the background functions of your software to hide any distractions behind you. It is also recommended to alert the people in the house of your upcoming online meeting so that you will be given the space needed to work.

The pandemic has created a new normal for society – shift to digital systems, work from home arrangements, and dependence on strong public healthcare. It will be a struggle to adapt to circumstances but there is no doubt that humankind will prevail and rebuild, much like in past pandemics. In the meantime, society will keep looking for ways to fill the time whether with successful ventures or funny DIY fails.

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