The Ultimate Question Interviewees Should Ask Before Taking The Job After Coronavirus

Happy woman

“What actions did the company take during the COVID-19 pandemic?”

This question is crucial when the world resumes after eradicating the virus. This is one question that will reveal how the company values and treats its employees in times of emergencies.

It’s true—one of the many things the pandemic has made the world realize is how the current system of society is faulty. It’s beginning to crumble as the virus continues to keep businesses from fully functioning. Work from Home culture is finally taking the limelight. Most notably, companies’ ethics and treatment of employees are exposed.

The effects on employees

Economically, income is affected. For some, the nature of their job is no-work-no-pay, and during a quarantine, that is terrible news. Moreover, not all posts can be home-based, and this could lead to people losing jobs or not earning altogether. Consequently, employee insurance should be ready for everyone in the Sandy, Utah companies as this gives the employees a safety net, especially in the middle of a healthcare crisis.

It’s not only the virus that they are battling, but also a series of mental health issues brought about by anxiety, grief, and uncertainty.

Mental health amid the pandemic

With the looming dangers of an invisible threat, it feels like we are preparing ourselves for the worst-case scenario for every waking day. Additionally, the very institutions that should serve and protect our lives are fumbling to figure out what to do in this crisis.

A Forbes article highlights the surfacing of fear, anxiety, and erratic behaviors as the body’s reaction to the uncertainty of the situation. Ultimately, when fear becomes the dominating feeling, the brain loses is control over our emotions.

The overall feeling of discomfort

Comparing staying at home on an average day with staying at home because of a pandemic will result in a drastic difference. The former feels like a short vacation. The latter is like looking down from the rooftop of a skyscraper. David Kessler, an expert on grief, attributes this feeling to “anticipatory grief.”

He describes anticipatory grief as the “feeling we get about what the future holds when we’re uncertain.” This occurs when people come up with scenarios of tragedies that could happen in the future. Most of these could lead to death, thereby compromising our sense of safety.

Productivity despite the stress

People think that with all this extra time in our hands, we can create a masterpiece or make every second count. This way of thinking can be counterproductive as it puts more stress into the brain to still be high-functioning in the middle of stressful times. However, experts suggest redefining productivity by celebrating it in small ways, like taking in information via the news while cooking breakfast. It doesn’t have to be grand, but there’s still something to glean from it.

Don’t hesitate to ask.

Men shaking hands

The company should be mindful of their employees’ welfare and health. When employers show that they care about their employees, they perform better because they engage with their work environment more and make them more productive. As an employee, feeling like you’re not just another dot in the machine motivates you to stay and do better.

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