What to Do When You Have Tooth Sensitivity

woman touching her chin

Tooth decay can happen to anyone at any age. It can destroy the teeth’s enamel and expose its nerves to germs and bacteria, leading to tooth sensitivity and toothache. If ever you’re feeling any tooth sensitivity, it’s best to see your dentist and see what’s going on. They may need to do some treatment procedures on the tooth. But what should you do until the day of your appointment?

What to do when you experience tooth sensitivity and pain?

Before you go to the dentist, there are several things that you need to remember to help alleviate the pain. The first thing you need to do is to brush your teeth with warm water. Then, see if you have an OTC anti-inflammatory medication to help relieve the pain. You can also apply eugenol if possible.

Don’t attempt to expose the affected tooth to extreme temperatures to prevent your tooth’s pain receptors from getting triggered. Also, remember to floss your teeth before brushing it to keep your mouth clean.

Are you experiencing tooth sensitivity after a dental filling?

Teeth can become sensitive after having a dental cleaning session. It can happen after having crown replacement and other dental restorations, too.

Meanwhile, others experience sensitive teeth after a dental filling treatment, and the pain and discomfort can last for at least four to six weeks. Although there are instances when tooth sensitivity can extend for up to a few months, continuous improvement should mean your teeth are slowly recuperating.

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There are times when a tooth can feel sensitive when you try to bite it down. When this happens, a Scottsdale-based dentist or any local dental professional can perform a bite adjustment to alleviate the pain. Meanwhile, if the filling is above its standard height, the dentist can try to reduce the filling.

Treating sensitive teeth

There are times when tooth sensitivity never entirely goes away. Although the symptoms may become less apparent, the symptoms will still recur.

If you feel like your condition doesn’t seem to go away, using a desensitizing toothpaste can help alleviate it. Ensure that you use a type of fluoridated toothpaste to help treat your condition.

Using a soft-bristled toothbrush can help, too. Since it isn’t as abrasive and forceful as an ordinary toothbrush, your teeth won’t get irritated by it.

You should also avoid food that contains a high level of acidity to prevent your condition from getting worse. Keep in mind that highly acidic food promotes enamel reduction, which causes your teeth to become sensitive.

Lastly, refrain from grinding your teeth. If it’s already a mannerism or if it happens while you sleep, wear a mouth guard to protect your teeth from unnecessary pressure.

As soon as you feel your tooth aching, you need to set a schedule with your dentist to have it checked. Doing so will help provide you with the right treatment and have your smile entirely restored in no time. Set up a schedule and don’t think of postponing it even if the pain seems to be alleviating.

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