What Makes Up the Ideal Meeting Venue

meeting room

When organising an office event, whether a small gala or a team-building activity, you’d want a venue that will offer maximum functionality and comfort.

A venue that’s comfortable, stylish and fully equipped can more effectively promote engagement and productivity among the attendees. In your search for your next meeting venue, here are five things to consider:

Inviting atmosphere

A good atmosphere can influence the mood and tone of the meeting. Everything from the lighting, the architecture, to the style of furniture plays an important part.

If you’re looking to inspire creativity or incite bonding among your team, consider a venue that can cater to hands-on or group activities.

Meanwhile, if you’re having a small gala or an awards ceremony, you’ll need a high-end venue. Luxurious ambience can communicate the message of appreciation or celebration to the attendees.

A ritzy hotel will work perfectly for big celebrations, but if you’re planning to have a small get-together, book a private dining room.

Adequate roaming space

For small meetings, a more intimate venue may be best suited for the attendees.

For big events, choose a venue that offers adequate meeting spaces, accommodation, outside space and leisure amenities.

Distraction-free spaces

Is the venue free from distractions?

Distractions cost businesses millions of dollars every year. Issues like noise can affect your meeting’s productivity.

The meeting space should be free of the sounds coming from nearby meetings and ambient noise.

Offices can improve their existing meeting rooms by installing frosted windows, light-filtering blinds, wall insulation and soft lighting.

Correct layout and seating arrangement

Meeting venue

Did you know that even seating arrangements have an effect on the meeting? Check your agenda’s needs and determine what kind of setup should you use.

  • Theatre setup – This setup allows for maximum seating capacity. This is recommended for conferences and seminars where attendees are not required to interact with one another.
  • Classroom setup – This is great for workshops. Also, a classroom setup is recommended when attendees will be taking down notes or working on their laptops.
  • Pod setup– This is ideal for meetings that require small team discussions, huddles or breakout sessions.
  • U-Shape setup – This is best for small to mid-size teams. This setup allows the facilitator to move around and interact with attendees.

Right facilities and services

If you’re planning to hold the meeting in a venue outside of the office, ensure that it will be able to cater to your meeting’s needs.

Talk to the venue provider if you’re going to need catering services, pads and pens, audio-visual services, IT support, staging and lighting, as these should be settled in advance.

The venue should be located somewhere that’s accessible to all attendees. You might find it hard to fill all the seats if you opt for a distant location. And when you don’t have too many people in the room, it may render the meeting pointless.

For local meetings or events, consider a venue that’s close to your office to encourage attendance.

In choosing the venue for your next meeting, always put the attendees’ needs in mind. A good meeting venue can help increase attendee engagement that can lead to successful goal completion.

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