Vegan Lifestyle: How One Can Get a Date Easily

Are you single and vegan? Then, dating must be a challenging situation, as illustrated in the story reported by Plant Based News. According to a survey carried out by the BBC1 in partnership with Leon, a British fast-food chain, 42% of all the people who eat meat reported not to consider dating a vegan. Sadly, the percentage increased to 28% based on a different survey carried out by Food Box HQ in 2018.

However, there are no data that says whether a vegan would like to date a meat-eater. If a vegan asks help from a professional matchmaker, the latter will dedicate their skills to helping them get a date. That shows that vegans would still date either their fellow vegans or meat-eaters.

Is It Possible for a Vegan and Meat Eater Date?


The answer is a big Yes! But it turns out that vegans usually influence their partners to change their lifestyles at later stages in their relationship if they are happily together. Vegans can lead their relationships where the partners adapt to the lifestyle of their vegan partners, even though it can be partially. A good example is that of vegan Katie M. and her husband. According to her, she convinced her husband to do The Beet’s 21 Day Plant-Based Challenge. Her husband was able to stay without eating meat for a whole month. According to Katie, the husband is now not a fan of chicken and loves preparing tofu and rice for dinner. Dating sites also play an essential role in finding appropriate dates for vegans in a short time.

What is the Role of Dating Sites in Helping Vegans Get Dates?

Most dating sites are socially conscious, meaning they focus on bringing people together based on similar interests. Some professional matchmakers are aware of people’s personalities and values, such as caring for animals and the environment. In such services, all searchers are vegans, and you can quickly get a date with a fellow vegan. If you cannot find a match on such dating sites, you can try the plant-based meetups.

The Role of Plant-Based Meetups in Ensuring Vegans Get Dates

Meetups bring plant-based lifestyle groups or vegans from different cities to mingle and carry out various activities together like cooking, hiking, skiing, climbing, swimming, drinking, and discussing topics of value and concern. In some states, vegan people organize local socializing groups where they meet and interact while they jointly venture into specific activities like marathon training, rock-and-roll, or baking.

No one likes to be alone, and being loved gives us a sense of belonging. Unfortunately, most vegans think that getting a date is like an uphill task because of the lifestyles of potential partners. Still, as explained above, this doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. Luckily, a vegan can still get a date. There are many avenues to try to accomplish this, such as the services of a professional matchmaker who deals with only vegans or joining regular plant-based meetups. However, you shouldn’t date a vegan just because they are a vegan like you. Remember to look for other factors that make you compatible and comfortable with each other.

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