Urgent Care: Tips for Parents Dealing With Illnesses and Injuries

Doctor with family in the background

Illnesses and injuries can easily rattle parents, especially when their child is crying and is in pain. Take, for instance, a toothache that is accompanied by a fever in the middle of the night. Some parents would consider rushing their kid to the emergency room but will hesitate because it does not seem like a life-threatening condition. If the primary care physician is not available during the hour, the best option will be to take the child to an emergency urgent care center in Eagle Mountain.

Urgent care facilities are the best choice if you need to have your child checked by a physician urgently, even though the illness or injury is not life threatening. These facilities bridge the gap between the doctor’s office and the emergency room. Waiting lines are usually shorter and the out-of-pocket payments are lower. Health insurance holders will be glad to know that most forms are accepted in these facilities.

When Should Parents Bring Their Kid to an Urgent Care Center?

Most parents may not be aware that urgent care centers have on-duty physicians, health care staff and professionals. They also have facilities for laboratory testing, X-ray and an on-site pharmacy. It is wise to check with an urgent care facility in the area to know more about the fees and services before any unexpected events happen. Here are some tips to help you choose the best health care option for different scenarios.


Doctor and child

Low-grade fevers can usually wait for the next appointment with a family physician. But if the fever is mild to moderate accompanied by symptoms of colds or flu, you can bring your kid to an urgent care facility to help them feel better faster. But if the fever is very high and is not coming down despite proper doses of medicine, or is accompanied by abdominal pain, a stiffness of the neck or seizures, you should head to the emergency room immediately.


Urgent care centers are a convenient option for parents who wish to help relieve the pain and discomfort of flu symptoms, such as strep throat or a sore throat. But if your child is not feeling too uncomfortable, you can wait for the next doctor’s appointment.

Fractures and Broken Bones

These kinds of injuries are common as the weather improves and more children play outdoors. Broken bones, sprains and fractures, however, can scare both parents and children, and this will require immediate attention.

The urgent care center is an ideal alternative to an emergency room for this situation. Most facilities are equipped with X-ray and health care professionals can attend to your child’s medical needs. But in cases where the break is severe and has torn through the skin or muscle, it is best to bring your little one to the emergency room.

There are just some of the common conditions that parents experience with their child. It is best to keep the details of the family physician, the nearest hospital and also the nearest urgent care facility for any eventuality. You may also consult and ask the opinion of your family doctor to better help you decide where to bring your kid for specific conditions.

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