Types of Gourmet Cookie Flavors that Should Be Included in Every Gift Basket

box of colorful macaroons

Gift giving was a preserve of personal relationships. However, nowadays, gifts form a crucial element of commercial operations in a bid to make customers feel appreciated. There are different gift options for your loved ones and company clients. Some might be the cause of a range of health issues or a flare-up of allergic reactions. The safest and healthiest gift option you currently have is gourmet cookies.

Gourmet cookies, specifically those from a cookie store in Frisco, Texas, are considered among the healthiest protein-rich snacks. They are freshly-baked, gluten-free treats that are free of dangerous additives, making them safe for both kids and adults. Cookies will also suffice for all occasions and seasons. When putting together a cookie gift basket, you should mix different flavors to truly spoil the gift’s recipients. The following are some of the gourmet cookie flavors that should form a part of your gift basket.

Benne Wafers

These are thin and crispy cookies that are made with toasted sesame with taste hints of caramel or almonds. Benne wafers have formed part of dessert servings for ages since they were introduced from Madagascar in the colonial era. The sesame used in the cookies is rich in vitamins E and B, calcium, protein, zinc, and iron. It contains no cholesterol.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

These are the classic types of drop cookies. Although traditionally made using semisweet chocolate chips, chocolate chip cookies can also be made using butterscotch, milk chocolate, strawberries, and white chocolate to indulge your gift recipient’s taste buds. Some chocolate chip cookies also include nuts, sprinkles, baking chips, and dried fruit, which set them apart.

Gingerbread Cookies

star shaped cookiesThese are a type of rolled cookies. The dough used to bake gingerbread cookies is chilled and then rolled out before cutting it into shapes. The cookies are harder than other variants since the dough used is stiff. Gingerbread cookies are initially from Germany. They rose to fame in the 16th century with the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale. Although generally a staple of the holiday season, they can suffice for all occasions.

Gingersnap Cookies

These are flat and circular cookies. Their name is attributed to the snapping sound generated when eating the cookies. Gingersnap cookies contain a higher amount of ginger than that of gingerbread cookies and are hence spicy. As such, they might not be an ideal choice for kids’ gift baskets and those meant for the elderly.

Peanut Butter Cookies

These have been around since 1910. They are chewy and soft, making them ideal even for children and the elderly. The sweet buttery flavor of peanut butter cookies is hard to beat. Peanut butter cookies also have an iconic crisscross pattern on top. The peanut butter is rich in protein, potassium, healthy fat, and fiber. It also delivers a healthy portion of antioxidants that help the body fight cancer-causing cells.

Finding a perfect gift is a headache for most people, but it should not be for you. You will not go wrong with a gift basket packed with the cookie flavors mentioned above for your loved ones, clients, and business associates. Unlike homemade cookies, gourmet cookies include a range of ingredients that make their tastes pop without reducing their health benefits.

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