The Dentist: It’s All About You

going to dentist for an appointment

If you need to find a dentist W1 and you don’t know who to turn to, asking friends and family for their recommendations may be just the thing to find the right place. However, if you are new to the area and you don’t know anybody yet, it may not be that easy. While doing a bit of research on the internet can also yield results, these practices may not be the right ones for you if you’re looking for something in particular. The simple fact is that finding a dental practice that is right for you can require a little effort; once you have put some thought into the search, however, it could have long-term benefits for you and your smile!

What should I consider when looking for a dental practice?

There are many things that need to be considered when looking for the perfect place to get your dental treatment. Every patient is an individual and will have different preferences, priorities and requirements for their treatments. Considering the following top tips can help to hone your search and get fruitful results.


If you are looking for general treatment for the whole family, specialist treatments such as restorative or cosmetic dentistry, or whether you want a place that offers facial aesthetics treatments to complement your smile, finding a practice that offers all of these treatments can be a sure way to remove the need to go anywhere else in the future. Some dental practices now deliver in more specialised areas, alongside general dentistry, and facial aesthetics treatments are also seeing a growth in this industry. The reason for this is that dentists are experts in facial anatomy, as well as performing delicate procedures in safe and sterile environments. This makes them well placed to offer these treatments. Whatever treatment you need, try and find a one-stop practice to remove the stress of being referred elsewhere in the future.


Whether you need a practice close to home or nearer to work, considering the location of the practice is always an intelligent move for those short on time. You may also need to research how convenient the practice is for accessing local transport links or whether it has free parking available. Doing your homework can pay dividends when it comes to arriving on time for your treatment!

Opening hours

You’re a busy person with lots to do and getting to the dentist at a time that suits you can be a struggle. Try plumping for a dental practice that offers longer opening hours than 9 to 5 if time is a concern for you.

The people and the place

If you want to meet friendly professionals then it’s alwaydental clinics worth a preliminary visit to the dental practice. The receptionists are the front of house and how they deal with you may speak volumes for the rest of the service you can expect to receive. Have a look around the waiting area to see if it looks clean and presentable. You may also like to book in for an initial consultation to chat to the dentists and see if you feel confident in their proposed treatment plans for your specific needs.

If you are a nervous patient, some practices will be dental phobia certified and this should also feature prominently on a website, if they have one, along with the qualifications and experience of the staff.

Smile on!

Once you have done your reconnaissance, you should hopefully have found the right practice for you to get the treatment that you and your family need. Go for it and get smiling!

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