The Essentials of Living During the Pandemic

people doing yoga while wearing masks

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way people live. To slow the spread of the virus, many have been advised to stay home as much as possible and practice social distancing when they go out. This can be a difficult adjustment for many people, but people must follow these guidelines to protect themselves and others. Here are some tips for how to make the most of living during the pandemic.

Get Organized

One of the best ways to ease anxiety and stress is to get organized. Create a daily routine and stick to it as much as possible. For example, plan your meals and make a grocery list, so you only have to go to the store once a week. Set aside time each day for work, relaxation, and exercise. Routines can help us feel more in control when everything else feels uncertain. Additionally, follow the KonMari method to stay organized.

KonMari Method

One of the best ways to get organized is through the KonMari method. With this approach, you go through every item in your home and decide whether or not it “sparks joy” for you. If it does not, then you declutter and donate it. By removing things that no longer make you happy, you create an environment that will benefit your mental health.

Stay Connected

Use technology to stay connected with friends and family members. You can video call or text each other, play online games together, or even share pictures and stories.

If you’re feeling lonely, there are plenty of online communities you can join to meet people with similar interests. Remember to be safe when connecting with people online—don’t share any personal information that could be used for identity theft or scams.

A woman taking a walk during pandemic

Keep active

Just because you’re stuck at home doesn’t mean you have to be sedentary. There are tons of ways to stay active indoors. Here are three of the easiest activities you can do at home.


One of the most accessible activities is yoga. There are plenty of free videos online that you can follow at home. Whether you prefer a more vigorous flow or restorative stretches, there’s a style to suit your needs. You can burn between 180 to 460 calories while doing yoga.

Workout Videos

If you enjoy group fitness classes, there are plenty of options for working out from home. Many popular workout programs, like CrossFit and barre, now have streaming services that allow you to join regardless of location.

At-home Workout Equipment

Finally, try investing in at-home exercise equipment if you want a more structured routine with weights and cardio machines. You don’t need a lot of space for an effective home gym—even just using resistance bands and a dumbbell.

Go Online Shopping

Shopping in physical stores has become riskier than ever. That’s why you must learn how to shop online. This can be a great way to get what you need without leaving home.

Online shopping has many benefits, including convenience, lower prices, and the ability to browse a wide selection of products. Here are three essentials you should be shopping for online.


You need to keep your skin healthy during the pandemic. Thankfully, you can now get the necessary products for your skin in a skincare online shop. These shops often have a wide range of products, including face masks, anti-aging creams, and body lotions.


In addition to groceries like fresh produce and meat, you can now get many staple pantry items online. This includes boxed or canned goods and snacks. Be sure to look for healthy options free from added sugars or preservatives.


Want to update your wardrobe without ever stepping out of the house? Consider shopping for clothes online. Many retailers—including those specializing in plus size, petite, and men’s clothing—now offer a wide selection of items that can be shipped right to your door.

Take Care of Yourself

The pandemic has been tough on all of us—it’s essential to give yourself time and space to process your emotions. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist or counselor if you’re struggling; many mental health professionals are offering virtual appointments right now so you can get support from the comfort of your own home. Take breaks from the news and social media if they start to feel overwhelmed, and find some fun distractions like reading books, watching movies, or playing games. Feeling stressed is normal, but plenty of resources are available if you need help coping with anxiety or depression.

Living during the pandemic doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom—there are still plenty of things you can do to enjoy your life while staying indoors and practicing social distancing! By following the tips above, you can live a better life in the future.

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