How to Equip Yourself for Emergency Volunteering

red cross

With all the calamities and unfortunate incidents happening all around, it’s a noble and much-needed thought to pursue active volunteer work. If you’re going to delve into relief operations and emergency response, here are some things you’ll need:

  • Personal protective equipment

This covers you and the vehicle you will be using. Often, emergencies such as fires and natural disasters make the location and surrounding areas dangerous to traverse, so this is crucial.

You can either equip your own vehicle or hire a car that has the protective gear. Adding personal protective safety equipment on cars means giving them the ability to withstand possible debris and other dangerous hazards. If you choose to equip a personal vehicle, it would be smart to choose a professional to do the job so that you are sure that everything is properly put in place and that there is a warranty you can rely on should something malfunctions.

It’s also important to have the necessary gear that fits whatever situation you’re putting yourself into. Are there respiratory risks, flooded areas, or falling objects? Assess the situation and wear the proper gear that will keep you safe.

Opting to go without these protections may simply put you in danger and end up hindering you from extending help to others, even adding you to the people in need of assistance.

  • Training

To be truly helpful in an emergency takes more than the initiative and willingness to assist. It will require someone who knows what to do. Depending on what you’re interested in volunteering in, there are plenty of courses and resources available so you can get even the most basic training.

The essentials that are useful in any situation are, of course, CPR and first aid training. This equips you to save a life, especially when time is tight. It can be applied whether there is a calamity or simply an individual experiencing a medical emergency.

Other more specific things to train in are for volunteer firefighting, animal rescue, and disaster response. These require knowledge on how to handle certain situations, gear, and tactics.


  • Connections to official channels

While you don’t have to personally know any bigwigs or organization leaders, it’s good to know official channels that can lend help or use your help. When the situation is bigger than you can accommodate, it can be a lifeline to have a number you can dial or someone you can message online who will send an immediate response from a place with resources.

On the flip side, this can also be a good way to know when situations are arising that need more volunteers. By connecting through official channels, you can ensure that you are informed and can give your efforts to urgent causes. A lot of major international groups such as the Red Cross rely greatly on certified volunteers.

Many organizations and people still require more volunteers, so just the fact that you want to help is already an amazing step. These guidelines are merely here so you can effectively provide assistance to those in need, especially during emergencies.

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