Embracing Holistic Health Is Now More Important than Ever

healthy food choices

The coronavirus pandemic has challenged the status quo, including how people manage their health. Like a wake-up call, the current health crisis reminds everyone of the value of a holistic approach to wellness. One scroll through your Facebook or Instagram, and you will see cooking healthy meals at home, trying their hand at gardening, doing home workouts, and de-stressing in any way they can to keep their sanity. But what exactly is holistic health? And how can you incorporate this approach into your current lifestyle?

A Shift Towards a More Balanced and Healthier Life

Often, health is defined as the absence of physical disease. While this definition is valid, it doesn’t cover the essence of optimal wellness. This is where a holistic approach to health comes in. Holistic health looks at the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. It is sustained by focusing on these seven pillars:

1. Physical

When you hear about physical wellness, you might immediately think of exercise. Of course, regular exercise is an important part of being physically well, but your body needs more than movement.

For instance, physical wellness also includes having enough sleep. For busy parents or college students who need to juggle work or classes with household chores amid a pandemic, getting six to eight hours of sleep every night might be difficult. But with a few strategies, such as avoiding screens 30 minutes before bedtime, playing ASMR podcasts, or installing blackout curtains, they can gain quality sleep each night.

2. Nutrition

While eating healthy food is tied to physical health, it should be its own pillar because it greatly impacts your health. A balanced diet requires you to diversify your plate with sufficient amounts of each food group. Doing so helps you get the necessary nutrients for daily energy and muscle recovery and growth. But this is difficult to achieve if you’re always on the go and you only have fast food as options.

Now that your life has slowed down due to lockdown, it’s time to regain your control over your nutrition. Start choosing healthy and organic food options. It helps to cook your own meals, so you know exactly what goes into your body. And as the economies restart, contribute by sourcing local organic food products. Easy access to healthy, quality ingredients can motivate you to experiment with more dishes.

3. Emotional

Often overlooked, emotional health is just as important as physical health. That is especially true now that the uncertainties of the current global situation can heighten your loneliness, anxiety, and overall stress.

Strengthen your emotional health by taking a proactive effort to practice mindfulness and stress reduction habits. Don’t hesitate to seek out the help of a therapist or counselor if necessary. You should also consider alternative forms of healing, such as chiropractic services, to ease your anxiety.


4. Social

Social wellness is all about connecting with others to build positive relationships. But in the time of corona, hanging out with your friends or going on a vacation with your extended family might be difficult. The pandemic has shut down even community events, local sports tournaments, and Sunday barbecues.

To strengthen your social health, connect with your loved ones and meet new people online. Turn to Netflix Party or Jackbox Party games for a fun virtual hangout with your friends or relatives. Join book clubs or any groups on social media that share similar interests with you. If you miss having a beer with your friends in a local bar, schedule a happy hour through Zoom and invite them and their friends.

5. Spiritual

Spiritual wellness doesn’t mean you need to become religious. Instead, it ensures you connect with your inner soul and the greater world around you. It also covers having a sense of purpose or meaning in life.

Maintaining your spiritual health can look different from others. After all, connecting with your inner soul is a personal journey. But you can start by spending time in nature or spending a few minutes each day meditating. Meditation is a good way of checking in with your intentions and grounding yourself.

6. Intellectual

Engage your mind continually, and you can boost your intellectual wellness. If you’ve taken a break this pandemic, use some of your free time to go to your list of to-be-read books or have stimulation conversations with your friends. You can also take this time to enroll in an online class. Even trying your hand at bullet journaling or big jigsaw puzzles can be an impactful way to keep your mind sharp. ;

7. Financial

With the looming global recession due to the pandemic, it’s now more important than ever to take care of your finances. Take small steps to control your monthly spending and build your emergency fund. If you have debts, make clearing them a priority. And if your schedule permits, consider taking gigs online. This way, you can create multiple streams of income and be a step closer to financial freedom. Financial troubles are often linked to stress and diseases; solving them can take a huge burden off your shoulder.

Health and wellness trends tend to change over the years. But what has remained constant is the people’s desire to lead a more balanced and healthier lifestyle. And sometimes, we need to be nudged to embrace the preventive and holistic approach to health.

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