How would you like a bespoke website that will be seen far and wide?

dental equipments

There can be nothing more disheartening than spending time creating a website, letting it go live, only to find that nobody has landed on it, apart from the 101 times you have checked it yourself. The fact is, the internet is a mass of information vying for the top spot on a search engine’s results page. If you want to get to the top of the list, you might need the help of a marketing company to get you there. Choosing a company that has a lot of experience in creating and promoting dental websites would certainly be sensible for a dental practice wishing to increase the number of new patients it has.

What should a dental website contain?

When people spend little more than 45 seconds on a website, it is small wonder that it’s a tough job for companies to get people’s attention long enough to come and visit them. However, a dental website should contain the 7Ps, in order to maximise the chance of holding attention and encouraging people to take action and come to visit your dental practice.

What are the 7Ps?

If a website includes the 7Ps, it should allow it to be easier to navigate for the people looking at it, but also, it should be highly engaging. The first of the 7Ps is profile. This is where your USPs should be visible on the landing page, so that you hook your reader immediately. There should be a clear focus on who the target market is from this page. The second P is people. A marketing company should be seeking to inform potential patients about the people they will be treated by. Showing friendly and professional photographs can really help to encourage readers to pick up the phone and make an appointment with you, if they can already visualise who they will meet when they get there. Thirdly, the premises you have should be described and shown. Whether you have photographs of your cafe-style waiting area, or a video tour of your not-so-scary-after-all treatment rooms, showing off your premises is a great way to encourage people to come and see you.

Another P is for price and having a transparent price list will help patients to realise that there won’t be any hidden costs, when they come to see you. It can also help them to realise that things are affordable, or that there are flexible ways to pay for treatment. Next, you should make promises about the customer care that your practice will offer. Treating patients is definitely partly a customer service role, so establishing the high standards you set for this will reassure patients about the experience they can expect when they come to see you. A video or series of photographs detailing the patient journey can also be a powerful way to convey this message.


Proof and products are the final two Ps. Proof is related to case study examples of treatment you have already delivered to patients. It always helps to see the work you have done to encourage patients to imagine their own teeth looking better and to see that you really can do what you promise. Smile photos are also powerful, when people can see the pleasure other patients have had in the results of their treatment. In proof, you can also highlight your experience and expertise to encourage potential patients to choose you above other dentists. Finally, products relate to what you offer at your practice. Any packages you offer such as smile makeovers can really engage people and make them choose you above another practice.

Find your team

So, if you are interested in finding a dental marketing team to undertake the work to turn your website around and get it noticed by people, make sure you choose one who follows the 7Ps and will do the work for you.

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