Moved to a new town? What to look for in a family dentist

man and dentist

Whether you are moving to a new area or simply have had enough of your current dental practice, it is important to know what to look for when seeking out a new one.

And if you have a family, finding a suitable Coorparoo family dental practice is vital to ensuring that both you and your family have your dental needs met.

Of course, you will want to skim any local Coorparro family dental practice websites to draw up a shortlist, based on reviews, location or whatever else you are seeking in a dental team, but how can you be sure that the dentist you settle on is the right one for you and your family?

In this article, some top tips are offered in relation to finding a suitable dental practitioner, to make the search easier.

Emergency care

Nobody considers the importance of having access to emergency dental care until the last minute!

When you are searching for a Coorparoo family dental practice, it is important to check that they offer 24-hour emergency care; you never know when you or a member of your family may need that emergency dental trip at 2am.


Numerous studies have found that if children have a bad experience at the dentist, this can have a negative impact on their dental health in the future, along with their mental health and wellbeing. In short, it can lead to anxieties surrounding dental care or even phobias.

And so, when looking for a dentist for your family, it is important that the team you choose are friendly and can display the patience required to oversee the dental health of children.

Payment and fees

When it comes to being a parent and having kids, money is often tight.

And so, when it comes to paying for treatment and fees, it might be worth enquiring about a dental plan with any dental teams on your shortlist. Alternatively, be sure to check that they are absolutely transparent about their dental fees before joining, to avoid any unwanted surprises.

person using a phone


When it comes to choosing a dentist for your family, it is important to consider location; does the dental surgery take a while to get to from your home?

If you don’t have a car, how long will it take you to reach it by public transportation? It may not seem important, but when it comes to getting your tired children to a dental check-up after school, you won’t want a dental surgery that is too out of the way.

Be sure that it has good transport links and, if you do have a car, be sure to check that it offers free parking for patients.

Initial consultation

This is becoming more common as the private sector grows, but do all the dental surgeries on your shortlist offer an initial, non-clinical consultation?

This is important as it will enable you and your family to look around the surgery without committing, while also meeting the staff and asking questions. Great stuff!


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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