6 Things for First-Timers to Do in New York City

new york

You probably saved up or by some stroke of luck you are finally in New York City. With all the tantalizing offers of this action-filled place in the globe, you might be tempted and overwhelmed. Which should I go for first? Fear not, this guide walks you through first-timer favorites in New York City. Make your first time in New York a vacation to remember with the following activities:

Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Listed as one of the world’s most beautiful museums, this is a must-see for first-timers. The Met, as art aficionados and New York old-timers affectionately call it, encapsulates over 5,000 years of art. The rich history of the artifacts, the elegant layout, and the insightful blasts from the past and present of New York is more than enough to give you happy hormones and a lot of intellectual and visual stimulation.

Get some work done

This might some counterintuitive, but you can easily get some productive work done. If you are inspired during your adventure and found a good business idea, you can quickly act on them by getting on a virtual NYC office in one of the buildings in the business district. Don’t waste any rushes of inspiration that gets to you while you are at work. If you really think working is a waste of time, you can also opt to list down your ideas so that you won’t forget them when you are ready to get back to work.

Go biking in Central Park

central park

Time to burn off some of those calories that you have amassed during your trip. Biking in Central Park is clearly on the list of fun physical activities you can do in New York. You can choose a diverse terrain. You can go for a flat route or a hilly one depending on your preference. Either of these choices is scenic enough for a memorable and photo-worthy moment. You don’t have to bring your bike all the way from home just for this. Central Park is known for its bike rentals and even bike tours.

Try to eat New York’s classic pizza

New York’s classic pizza is replicated globally at various food chains and establishments. But nothing beats the original right from the center of the city itself. Thrillist has a list of interesting pizza joints in New York City that are considered highly rated or the best. The experience is unlike any other.

Attend a Broadway show

Part of the heart of the New York City nightlife is the Broadway scene in Manhattan. A lot of seasoned vacationers go there from time to time to watch beautiful plays like Hamilton. Historically successful Broadway shows like Phantom of the Opera made its debut there. It won’t be a complete New York vacation without a dash of Broadway in your itinerary.

Join the New Year Countdown at Times Square

You may expect some skyrocket to the prices of restaurants and viewing decks near Times Square at this time of year, but New Year’s Eve is one of the best times to go to New York. The New Year countdown is definitely one of the most exhilarating New York experiences a person can have and will definitely be a treat for first-timers.

Even if you have this interesting checklist, leave some room for spontaneity and enjoy the journey. Whether you are visiting New York again, or it will take some time for you to go back, the experience is really worth savoring for each moment.

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